Hello Art Therapy

How it works

Say hello to the
creative process

To come to art therapy, participants do not need to practise art or be “good” at art. Art therapy is not about making you proficient at art, although a common outcome is that participants come to see themselves as much more creative, artistic people.

During a session, a variety of therapeutic arts modalities are offered and tailored to client’s specific needs and art making desires. Art therapy is not a one size fits all approach. Each session is sensitively focused on bringing forward the personal expression and story of the client to support a better understanding of themselves and the world in which they live. In sessions I may introduce 2D art making (paints, markers, pencils, crayons) and 3D art making (sand, modelling clay, masks, crafts and installation), movement, role play, mask work, dream work, to name just a few. All modalities and materials are offered and clients are supported to engage playfully, rather than working hard for the “right” outcome.

In art therapy, you can’t get it wrong!

Individual sessions
Personalised 1:1 sessions are offered on an ongoing, individual basis.

Parent/child sessions
For young people/children and parents Anna offers in-depth, mindful, relational art making sessions over 1.5 hrs.

These sessions are highly recommended for those wanting to spend some quality time with their parent or child and explore the relationship together. Aside from a strengthened and enriched connection, you will leave with some mutually created artwork.

Group work 
For those wanting to try something new and be part of a community of curious art makers (no experience required), Anna offers groups that focus on empowerment, skill development and the expansion of your personal awareness through the use of your own creative voice. These sessions can be especially helpful for those wanting to make new connections and those who are new to art therapy. Anna announces details and dates for these groups on her instagram @helloarttherapy.

I offer clients the choice of online art therapy sessions as well as in person sessions. These are held in the art therapy studio, in Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia.

Session pricing 

  • 1 hr Session - $140

  • Caregiver/child Session - $150